Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cutsie Couture!

So I made friends with this darling girl online who makes some pretty awesome jewelry called Cutsie Couture!

She sent me out a few pieces to model for her and here is what came of it.

Be sure to go check out more of her stuff on her myspace:

I'll be at the NIX Toronto Tattoo Convention in just over two weeks with over 25 lovely models! Be sure to come see us at our booth on June 20th! I will be selling limited edition Gods Girls prints at the booth!

The convention runs June 19th - 21st and you can find out more information about it here:

Hope you're all having a rad weekend!



du vet inte said...

allt bra??
vad säger du om att följa varandra via blogglovin?
Jag bjuder på det som inte många andra gör.
Rätt pinsamma filmer där jag intervjuar fullisar finns nu att se!

Jag gör din vardag till något roligare!
Titta och njut!

Vad tycker du om min idée

Anonymous said...

ha, I am going to try out my thought, your post bring me some good ideas, it's really amazing, thanks.

- Murk